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Showing posts from September, 2013


What is Multitenancy? Multitenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. It gives the ability to use the same software and interfaces to configure resources and it isolates customer-specific traffic and data. Each customer is called a tenant. Tenants may be given the ability to configure some parts of the application, such as color of the user interface ( UI ) or business rules , but they cannot change the application's code . This means that although tenants are using the same building blocks in their configuration, the appearance or workflow of the application may be different for two tenants. Also, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of each tenant can differ [1]. Multitenancy vs. Singletenancy: Multitenancy can be economical because software development and maintenance costs are shared. It can be contrasted with single-tenancy, an architecture in which each customer has their own software instance and ...

Retrieve Data from Database and Compare it with user input using Java

In this Lesson we will create a form page " form.jsp " that takes the user email. After that we will check the user existence in our DB. If the user email stored in the DB, a welcoming page will be opened to him/her. If the user is a new user then a message will be displayed that tells him/her this email is not stored in our DB. Note: I use access 2013 database and Eclipse Juno     Basic step, Create a new project: Open Eclipse then click on File > New > Other > Web > Dynamic Web Project. First, Load the DB class: In this step we will connect with database so we will gather all its code in a java class named " " under a package called " code ". Expand your project then right click on java resources > New > Package . After-that Give a name for your package ex, code   Right click on your created new package that called code > New > Class.   After-that Give a name for your Class ex, DBConnection.   ...

All about How to open any file extension

If you have a file and you want to open it, try vsiting site this can help you to open any file with any extension and it will show yiu  the steps to do that. the URL for the site is [1] To use this site: Just type the file extension name and click on Find for example if you want to open a file with .tar the site will tell you some information about this extension and will suggest a software to open it [2]. [1] Home page for the web site [2] .tar extension Top sites that helping you open your file extension: FILExt is a web site to search for programs that use a particular file extension. You can also search for file extensions starting with a particular letter.  filext DotWhat? provides as much information on each file extension as possible and encourages visitors to contact them if they have any additional information on an extension or if they think a new file extension should be ...