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Showing posts from 2013

"'Fog Computing'" Does the Cloud Computing under risk?

Fog Computing Is A New Concept Of Data Distribution? For the last couple of years there have hardly been any new concepts in cloud computing. But hardly doesn’t mean never. Since the summer of 2013 you might have noticed the appearance of a new trend that has been called Fog Computing . The main purpose of fog computing is to gather services, applications, large data volumes in one place and unite them with the networks of a new generation. The aim is to offer data, computing power, memory and services at a really distributed level. The thing is that today’s data is extremely dispersed and delivered continuously, in large volumes and to a large number of users with different devices. In order to make an effective cloud model, businesses need to learn how to deliver the content to their users via geographically distributed platforms and not via the cloud which is placed in one place. The idea of fog computing is to distribute all data and place it closer to a use...

Fast web browser ever

CometBird is a Web browser. It is secure, speedy, and totally free. It is effective in both performance and privacy protection. Main features The bookmarks auto-synchronizer enables you to use same bookmarks collection anytime and anywhere. Thousands of customizing options are available for personalizing your own CometBird. It's security and privacy protection techniques will create a clean browsering environment for the user. It has a password manager and smart address to facilitate user browsing and logging in. Try it

My Mouse disconnect and then reconnecting randomly

If your mouse connect and reconnect randomly make sure to do the following: First: put your mouse USB in another USB. Second: make sure that your mouse is clean from the bottom. Third: go to control panel> System and Security then in the left side choose Hardware and Sound and under Devices and Printers choose Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus Controller double click the first USB Root Hub and choose the Power management and unchecked the " Allow The Computer to turn off this device to save power" . Uncheck the allow the computer to turn off this device to save power Fourth: update your driver as follow: Update the drivers

What is DTMF?

 What is DTMF? It is acronym for Dual Tone Multi-Frequency , also known as Touch Tone. It is a method, used by the telephone system to communicate the pressed keys when dialing. Each key represents a digit or a character and generates two distinct tones - a high frequency tone and a low frequency tone – when pressed. DTMF allows navigation of voice menus and other advanced calling services. It is also used for control purposes, such as an automatic bill-paying service, or remote control of appliances, such as a telephone answering machine. DTMF tones are sometimes used in caller ID systems to transfer the caller ID information [1]. How Does the DTMF work? The DTMF has a keypad which is laid out in a 4×4 matrix in which each row represents a low frequency and each column represents a high frequency [2]. Here are the signals you send when you press your Touch-tone phone keys [3]: DTMF low and high frequency   Row and Column Keypad When you press the...

JSP page is doing the same thing as a Web service. Why use a Web service?

Accessing a JSP page could be considered the same as accessing a Web service. If you think about it, calling a JSP page is a large method packaged in the form of a servlet, which sends back character output. The biggest difference is in the packaging. A Web service defines an interface through which it's possible to define exactly the data being sent to and from the Web service.  The JSP page, on the other hand, just hands back a large character text stream in the HTTP wrapper. This makes it hard to parse a JSP result for finer work. This makes a Web service easier to use programmatically over a straight JSP page. Whenever fine control of the data being sent over a HTTP request is required, it is time to use a Web service. The next fact to consider is state. One thing JSP and servlets give the programmer is a concept of state: application, session, page, and so on. A service isn't as tied to the concept of state. In fact, keeping a Web service stateless...


What is Multitenancy? Multitenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. It gives the ability to use the same software and interfaces to configure resources and it isolates customer-specific traffic and data. Each customer is called a tenant. Tenants may be given the ability to configure some parts of the application, such as color of the user interface ( UI ) or business rules , but they cannot change the application's code . This means that although tenants are using the same building blocks in their configuration, the appearance or workflow of the application may be different for two tenants. Also, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) of each tenant can differ [1]. Multitenancy vs. Singletenancy: Multitenancy can be economical because software development and maintenance costs are shared. It can be contrasted with single-tenancy, an architecture in which each customer has their own software instance and ...

Retrieve Data from Database and Compare it with user input using Java

In this Lesson we will create a form page " form.jsp " that takes the user email. After that we will check the user existence in our DB. If the user email stored in the DB, a welcoming page will be opened to him/her. If the user is a new user then a message will be displayed that tells him/her this email is not stored in our DB. Note: I use access 2013 database and Eclipse Juno     Basic step, Create a new project: Open Eclipse then click on File > New > Other > Web > Dynamic Web Project. First, Load the DB class: In this step we will connect with database so we will gather all its code in a java class named " " under a package called " code ". Expand your project then right click on java resources > New > Package . After-that Give a name for your package ex, code   Right click on your created new package that called code > New > Class.   After-that Give a name for your Class ex, DBConnection.   ...

All about How to open any file extension

If you have a file and you want to open it, try vsiting site this can help you to open any file with any extension and it will show yiu  the steps to do that. the URL for the site is [1] To use this site: Just type the file extension name and click on Find for example if you want to open a file with .tar the site will tell you some information about this extension and will suggest a software to open it [2]. [1] Home page for the web site [2] .tar extension Top sites that helping you open your file extension: FILExt is a web site to search for programs that use a particular file extension. You can also search for file extensions starting with a particular letter.  filext DotWhat? provides as much information on each file extension as possible and encourages visitors to contact them if they have any additional information on an extension or if they think a new file extension should be ...

Opening youtube videos stops my internet connection

When playing youtube videos with Firefox, IE, or chrome, the video will stop buffering after some minutes and then the whole internet connection stops working, and you need to reboot your windows to running the internet again. If this happened to you please be sure from doing the following: Make sure that the internet connection is working.  Scan the whole computer. Ensure that your router is working fine. If you have AVG Antivirus [1], stop the Video Accelerator option. as follow: Options > Advanced Setting Unchecked Enable AVG Accelerator Refrences: [1]!topic/youtube/IBV1trPM8l8

ERROR Error occured while converting date. java.lang.NullPointerException

ERROR Error occured while converting date. java.lang.NullPointerException Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException Do you try to run your tomcat server inside Eclipse or outside it and you got the previous error and your server stopped? Well here is the solution: Delete your ode deployed folder inside tomcat by navigating to your webapps tomcat path location: C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\webapps Then delete ode folder. Finally start up your tomcat from C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.35\bin\start up to regenerate redeploy ode folder again. If this doesn't work with you, try the following other solutions:

How can you know your windows operating system 32 or 64 bits using cmd?

To know your operating system type if it is 32 or 64 bits using DOS, you can do the following: Open cmd: Start > All Programs > Accessories > command prompt. Type the following:   echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%   o r   echo %ARCH% References:  How to solve computer. StakeOverflow .